Secure a safe water emission 

If your company release great volumes of wastewater from your operations and activities, it is important to make sure that the water emission is safe for the environment. 

Our goal is to challenge our treatment system and adjust it so that it can face the demands of multiple industries and provent enivronmental pollutants, heavy metals and fragments from being released into nature.


From projecting to constructing and service

Mivanor AS is a full-range supplier of wastewater treatment. We offer a range of different treatment products that are solutions to different kinds of wastewater challenges.  We offer our customers our services from star to end:

  • Analysis of the water to adjust the treatment according to the pollution problem
  • Design and engineering
  • Manufacture of treatment system
  • Installation and staff training
  • Operation support and service

Mivanor AS is ISO-certified in accordance to quality, health, safety and environmental standards.


Send us a water sample 

Would you like to know how good of an effect over treatment system would have on your wastewater?  

Our R&D department always analyse a sample of the wastewater that needs treatment. This way, we can predicate how well the treatment works, and we can adjust the process to ensure a high-quality treatment. 

We will do a small-scale analysis and report what kind of result you can expect by choosing our water treatment system.