Expert Assistance in Oil-Contaminated Water Treatment

Mivanor helps purify oil-contaminated water using a unique technology based on magnetism. Our main product, MivaMag™, is the core of this treatment process and works alongside several supporting solutions.

Learn more about MivaMag™

In addition to our technological solutions, Mivanor offers support and service to ensure that treatment plants operate efficiently and reliably over time.

Current Requirements for Oil-Contaminated Water Treatment

There are several specific requirements for treating oil-contaminated water, including:

  • Particles: Limits on the amount of particles in discharge water
  • Organic parameters: Includes oil and other organic pollutants
  • Inorganic parameters: Includes heavy metals and nutrients

Regulatory requirements from the County Governor and the Norwegian Environment Agency define the quality of discharge water, especially the BAT-AEL requirements. For some customers, it is particularly important to meet the heavy metal requirements.

Is water treatment important for customers with oil-contaminated water?

Yes, water treatment is crucial for customers handling oil-contaminated water for several reasons:

  • Meeting regulatory requirements from local authorities: Customers must meet specific environmental requirements set by the County Governor and the Norwegian Environment Agency.
  • Environmental protection: Proper treatment ensures harmful substances are removed before discharge or reuse.

Why choose Mivanor


Are you looking for treatment solutions?

Contact our expert:
Anders Are
+47 996 10 267

Anders Are visiting Granberg Garveri

Benefits and Advantages of MivaMag™

Benefits and Advantages of MivaMag™