Industrial Emissions Directive - What is it about?
The Industrial Emissions Directive, abbreviated as IED, aims to regulate emissions from industrial activities. This is achieved through a requirement for Best Available Techniques (BAT), meaning that companies must use the best available purification technology.

 To help companies understand the requirements for emissions, the EU has developed Reference Documents on BAT that are tailored to various industries. These are called BREF (BAT Reference Documents).

 You can find an overview of BREF documents for each industry here:

 Who does the directive apply to?
The directive has been incorporated into the Pollution Control Act, and Annex 1 of Chapter 36 of the Pollution Control Regulations contains a list of industrial operators covered by the directive. In addition to this, the EU has signaled its intent to tighten emission requirements for industrial activities and include new industries under the directive.

 In practice, this means that even more responsibility may be placed on individual operators for local emission purification. Previously, companies could rely on local municipal treatment facilities, but with stricter requirements, they might need to purify emissions on-site before discharging them into municipal networks.

 There is a proposal to expand the list of industries covered by the Industrial Emissions Directive. The industries that may be included are:

  •  Battery production
  • Shipbuilding and shipbreaking
  • Aquaculture
  • Oil extraction

At the end of this year, the EU Commission will present a revised directive for industrial emissions.


When is it mandatory to have implemented BAT?
Once a conclusion on BAT is reached, the industry or sector subject to this has four years to comply with these requirements. For the waste management industry, new requirements will come into force as early as January 1, 2023.



Our primary purification solution is the MivaMagTM purification system. This technology is considered BAT by the County Governor of Nordland. The technology is based on:

  •  Charge neutralization
  • Coagulation and flocculation
  • Magnetic particle separation

Charge neutralization, coagulation, and flocculation are well-established technologies and are considered BAT by many operators. Our technology stands out with the technology related to magnetic particle separation, which simultaneously dewater sludge while removing pollutants from the water.

If your business would like to have a discussion regarding the IED and how your business is addressing it, press the button below:

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