This is a guide where the most frequently asked questions is listed with answers
This is a guide where the most frequently asked questions is listed with answers
We are a total supplier of efficient wastewater treatment soulutions for several different types of industrial wastewater. Theis means that we are involved at the beginning of the process when analyzing water samples to the installation of our products. We also operate and performs maintenance at the machines.
We also provide services as consultant servies and maintenance if the customer want this. This service is something that we strongy reccomend to increase the lifetime of machines and facilitate for precisly measurements.
Click on the link below to see which types of substances our products can remove and how the solution works.
Rules about wastewater treatment in Norway is set by The Norwegian Environment Agency or the county governor. Both of them prepares demands for contamination in wastewater which is released to the nature after use.
Mivanor has several wastewater treatment solutions which can help to comply the levels of contamination. There exist several demands for wastewater treatment and they varies across industrie and situations.
Companies and indutries which has a separate permission from The Norwegian Environment Agency or the county governor need to be aligned with the municipality's requirements.
The regulations of limitations of pollution can be found here
The reason that wastewater needs to be purified is because it contains a lot of substamces as phosphorus, organic substances, bacteria, viruses and environmental toxins. It is not desirable for such substances to be returned to the sea. lakes, streams or rivers. Discharges of these substances will be very damaging for the life in the ocean.
Wastewater can be purified mechanic, biological or by a combination of this methods. Chemical treatment plant are built especially to purify chemicals as mercury, cadium, chrome, iron, gold, copper and phosphorus, while the biological method are mainly made to remove organic materials.
Our wastewater treatments systems MivaMag and MivaBio removes particles which could result in huge amounts of slugdes at the recipient.
Watewater can be both sanitary, industrial and surface water. Wastewater is deterioted of quality from human creations. Wastewater often consist of floating waste from industrial processes or agriculture.
Industrial wastewater is contaminated water which has been used to industrial purposes. Examples of industrial activity:
Industrial wasteawater often contain of particulated or dissolved substance (process water) or be heated (cooling water).
Surface water can be water which drains off from farms, streets and roofs.
All industri which has an activity which contains water in their production normally have a need to purifytheir wastewater. What kind of wastewater soulution the requires depends on how polluted the water is and where the water is supposed to be dropped back.
Another type of water which may be purified is surface water which directly or indirectly pollutes in contexts with rainwater. This process will lead to contamination of the nature, and therefore this water may need to be purified.